To Millard -
A real expert with the cards - Best Wishes

Al Sharp


Millard Lichter

Jim Rhyne

Millard Lichter Eugene Burger

To Millard Lichter
"May you find something to add to your extensive repertoire"

Ed Marlo

To Millard Lichter
A true lover of the art and a very clever exponent

Dai Vernon

Don Alan Millard Lichter

Simon Aronson Millard Lichter

To Millard Lichter -
Who's had many good Card Ideas of his own.

Simon Aronson

To my friend Millard Lichter
With my best wishes...


Jim Cellini

Millard Lichter


David Solomon Millard Lichter


Steve Draun Millard Lichter


John Bannon Millard Lichter


Allan Ackerman Millard Lichter


Bill Malone Millard Lichter


Al Schneider Millard Lichter


Jon Racherbaumer Millard Lichter